Everyday Public Service: Reducing Your Carbon Footprint for the Greater Good
A free, downloadable curriculum developed for grades 9-12, by the Center for a Livable Future, at Johns Hopkins University. This curriculum contains 17 lessons that can used as stand-alone activities or together to engage high school students in activities to learn about critical food system issues, empower them to make healthy, responsible food choices, and become advocates for food system changes. Materials were developed by teachers, are classroom-ready, and are aligned to National Education Standards.
Check out Lesson 5: Our changing Climate.
This site powers an interactive carbon calculator that can be used by individuals, businesses, and schools to provide resources for teachers and students including a carbon footprint calculator, and links to climate change curriculum, activities and information.
Produced through the Will Steger Foundation, Climate Generation offers curriculum resources for grades 3 to 12 in the form of curriculum guides, as well as online modules that can be downloaded for free. The materials are aligned with Minnesota state science, social studies and language arts standards, the Next Generation Science Standards and the climate and energy literacy principles. The curriculum has been reviewed by scientists, and professional educators.

The Sustainable Table site supported by the Grace Communications Foundation provides a comprehensive list of resources about both water and food, which promotes sustainable food systems. Suggestions for using their resources and a curated list of additional resources on the internet are shared here.
Downloadable Student Activity Book and Companion Teacher Textbook
Aquapass is an education module for kids developed as part of a European awareness-raising campaign about water use. Resources include a student activity book and companion text for the teachers that includes background information.
TOP NOTCH water resource education materials connected to Next Generation Science Standards that are appropriate for many different age groups and cultures and offer comprehensive coverage of the broad topic of water.
Wet Science Center in Olympia, Washington provides a curated list of water education resources.
National Geographic developed a series to learn more about the water we use and practical tips to reduce your water usage.
Ms. Platt's students Meghen, Lauren, Sam, and Fiona used this glossary to make flash cards to practice their terminology about the water cycle.

Teaching about food costs in the kitchen
"Contrary to what students might think, life is not like “Hell’s Kitchen,” where food can be discarded with abandon. Here are eight easy and effective ways to teach basic food-cost principles that will serve your students well."
Researching Nutrition to Advertise for Health. This hands-on research project is designed to make students aware of what they eat and how food companies use the media to market their products. Developed by the National Council of the Teaching of English.
Resources to teach about food budgeting
Watch In Defense of Food, a PBS special that helps to answer the question, what should I eat to be healthy. Check out the companion Middle School Curriculum developed by Columbia Teachers College.
Portion Size vs Serving Size​