Supersize it? Calories & Portion size
Meals today have gotten bigger. At home the size of dinner plates has grown, and our portion sizes have increased dramatically over the last 40 years.
A serving size is the measurement for food, for example, one slice of bread is a serving or two ounces of cheese. Often the foods we buy that come as a single portion actually contain multiple servings. Reading the Nutrition Facts label on packaged foods tells you the number of servings in the container. The recommended serving size is often less than the amount you’re used to eating or the portion you are served, especially at restaurants.

Foods in the Food For Thought App are based on the USDA recommended single serving size for each item. Eating larger portions means creating a larger water and carbon footprint too, the foods you choose has implications beyond your waistline.

On average adults consume
more calories per day than they did in 1985
Americans are eating out more, and while food portions get bigger, super-sized portions start to feel like the norm.
Learn More!
Shifting Diets for a Sustainable Food Future
A recent report by the World Resources Institute examines the role shifting diets plays on the environment and how a shift could improve food security. The report introduces a protein scorecard, ranking foods from lowest to highest impact, and a Shift Wheel, which harnesses marketing approaches to address behavior change and move people to more sustainable diets.
Choose my Plate
The newest take on the food pyramid, get the latest information in the USDA food guide. The webpage provides information by audience, including teacher resources for younger learners.
Serving Size Chart

Content References
American Heart Association. (2005). A Nation at Risk: Obesity in the United States A Statistical Sourcebook. Dallas, TX, American Heart Association & the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Website References
A Worldwide Day's Worth of Food – Time